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Best Aquatic Lifeguard Certification Classes will be held at the Montego Bay community pool on Oyster Bay Dr. off 130th Street in North Ocean City.
Class scheduled times: 8:30AM-8PM  Please bring food, water, towel and sweats.
Additional training by the instructors,and support, can be provided at the site location where the lifeguard will be stationed.
The addtional support also includes, if requested, site audits conducted routinely to help encourage safety.
An international renowned, hands-on lifeguard course that is highly interactive and physically enduring. The course is a comprehensive training program that promotes objective driven and performance based training for individuals wishing to obtain a new Lifeguard-Pro certification for shallow water, pool, special facilities, and/or open water, in various water depths ranging from less than 5` feet of water up to any depth and/or open water. The Lifeguard-Pro certifications are designed and intended to be delivered as part of an integrated curriculum that includes water rescue techniques, First Aid, Health Care Provider CPR, Emergency Oxygen Support, and Automated External Defibrillation as a first responder. This course requires students to perform each concept taught in the course, through student demonstrations of all skills concepts and skills instructed. Students will participate in lifeguarding roles throughout the class and are expected to perform lifeguard duties as first responders. Students will perform on deck and in water simulations, drills and exercises for rescue techniques as an individual and in team scenarios as part of multiple rescuers drills. Lifeguard course obtain a Lifeguard-Pro certificate that is valid for one (1) year. Annual renewal is required. May substitute Lifeguard-Pro class at the managements descretion.

Best Aquatic LG Class

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  • Best Aquatic LG Class


An international renowned, hands-on lifeguard course that is highly interactive and physically enduring. The course is a comprehensive training program that promotes objective driven and performance based training for individuals wishing to obtain a new Lifeguard-Pro certification for shallow water, pool, special facilities, and/or open water, in various water depths ranging from less than 5` feet of water up to any depth and/or open water. The Lifeguard-Pro certifications are designed and intended to be delivered as part of an integrated curriculum that includes water rescue techniques, First Aid, Health Care Provider CPR, Emergency Oxygen Support, and Automated External Defibrillation as a first responder. This course requires students to perform each concept taught in the course, through student demonstrations of all skills concepts and skills instructed. Students will participate in lifeguarding roles throughout the class and are expected to perform lifeguard duties as first responders. Students will perform on deck and in water simulations, drills and exercises for rescue techniques as an individual and in team scenarios as part of multiple rescuers drills. Lifeguard course obtain a Lifeguard-Pro certificate that is valid for one (1) year. Annual renewal is required. May substitute Lifeguard-Pro class at the managements descretion.

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Additional Information

An international renowned, hands-on lifeguard course that is highly interactive and physically enduring. The course is a comprehensive training program that promotes objective driven and performance based training for individuals wishing to obtain a new Lifeguard-Pro certification for shallow water, pool, special facilities, and/or open water, in various water depths ranging from less than 5` feet of water up to any depth and/or open water. The Lifeguard-Pro certifications are designed and intended to be delivered as part of an integrated curriculum that includes water rescue techniques, First Aid, Health Care Provider CPR, Emergency Oxygen Support, and Automated External Defibrillation as a first responder. This course requires students to perform each concept taught in the course, through student demonstrations of all skills concepts and skills instructed. Students will participate in lifeguarding roles throughout the class and are expected to perform lifeguard duties as first responders. Students will perform on deck and in water simulations, drills and exercises for rescue techniques as an individual and in team scenarios as part of multiple rescuers drills. Lifeguard course obtain a Lifeguard-Pro certificate that is valid for one (1) year. Annual renewal is required. May substitute Lifeguard-Pro class at the managements descretion.
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